We support and strive to achieve a transparent and friendly work environment, while also applying these principles to society as a whole. We believe that we are an important part of our society, which is why we always do our best to respect and support it.
Only satisfied employees can efficiently contribute to the success of a company. We provide favourable working conditions and secure jobs while fostering respect for difference and awarding results.
By upgrading technologies and techniques, we guarantee the use of less raw materials and energy. In doing so, we contribute responsibly to the reduction of the quantity of waste. A part of the electricity that we need to execute our activities is something that we have been manufacturing ourselves since 2012; in addition, we also use the energy from manufacturing products for heating our business premises.
We believe that we are an important part of the social environment that we work in. Through sponsorships and donations, we help create a cultured, sports-oriented and safe society. In cooperation with schools and faculties, we gladly open our doors to young people and share our knowledge with them.